Progress Energy Rebates
At All About Energy Solutions, we are known for and specialize in reducing energy bills. We have a large territory of business that covers Southport to Jacksonville. We are able to reduce those bills by increasing insulation, sealing air leaks, window tinting, ensuring proper ventilation, and custom installation of our reflective foil radiant barrier in attics. We are confident that all of our energy-efficient home improvements have the fastest return on investment you can expect for your home. There is a program called the Home Energy Improvement Program with Progress Energy that helps us keep the return on investment the fastest within the home improvement business. If your home is 10 years or older and has R19 Insulation or less in your attic, you can qualify for a rebate up to $500.00. This is not a credit, this is a check that will be mailed to the Progress Energy account holders name in 4 to 6 weeks from completion of the job. You can read all about this rebate and the other great rebates offered to Progress Energy customers by visiting their website.
I am sure you have all heard about the Progress Energy and Duke Power merger on July 3rd, 2012. Thankfully they are going to keep the Home Energy Improvement Program in tact for now. Never has there been a better time to seal your attic air leaks and bring your insulation up to code than now! Remember, at All About Energy Solutions, we are Increasingly Green but always Red, White and Blue!