
Encapsulated vs. Conditioned Crawl Space: Understanding the Difference

encapsulated vs. conditioned crawl space

The holidays have come and gone and now you have all these decorations you need to find a place for. 

So, where do you put them? Well, in your crawl space if you have one! Crawl spaces are a necessity for those of us who have way too many boxes and not enough space in our home.

When you keep all your beloved decorations and other items that aren’t being used in your crawl space, it’s important that the area is protected. This is where encapsulated and conditioned crawl spaces come in.

Keep reading to learn about encapsulated vs. conditioned crawl spaces and the protection they offer! 

Conditioned Crawl Space 

Transform your crawl space into a conditioned space with the use of vapor barriers for enhanced protection.

Conditioning your crawl space involves the strategic application of black plastic, known as “Visqueen,” to seal the entire crawl space floor, walls, and joists. Unlike traditional methods, conditioning allows you to retain the vents, eliminating the need for a dehumidifier in the crawl space.

The 6mm Visqueen not only acts as a vapor barrier but also preserves the convenience of utilizing the crawl space for storage. You can safely store items like holiday decorations without concerns about them getting damaged.

Choose the benefits of conditioned crawl spaces for improved protection and versatility in storage. Trust All About Energy Solutions to expertly condition your crawl space, ensuring a more efficient and secure environment.

Encapsulated Crawl Space

Encapsulating your crawl space is when you seal off the entire crawl space, including the vents.

To do this you’ll use white plastic. Since everything in your crawl space is sealed off with this method, you’ll need a dehumidifier and a sub-pump. 

Ensure a clean and dry crawl space by sealing it off completely. Without proper sealing, moisture can infiltrate the space, potentially damaging any items stored inside.

Our encapsulation process guarantees a dry and clean environment, allowing you to safely store boxes or other items that you may not be using at the moment. Trust All About Energy Solutions to expertly seal your crawl space, providing long-lasting protection for your belongings. Choose encapsulation for a secure and well-maintained crawl space.

Encapsulated vs. Conditioned Crawl Space

Encapsulated and conditioned crawl spaces are similar in a lot of ways but they’re still quite different.

Where an encapsulated crawl space is sealed off completely, a conditioned crawl space only seals the floor, walls, and joists. Also, an encapsulated crawl space uses white plastic while a conditioned crawl space uses black plastic.

Many people feel that an encapsulated crawl space is more visually pleasing. Since the white plastic creates a uniform and clean look, many prefer that over the black plastic on the floor. 

Also, since the vents are sealed in an encapsulated crawl space, you’ll need a sub-pump and a dehumidifier to keep the space clean and dry. Since the vents aren’t covered in a conditioned crawl space, you won’t need to worry about these pieces of equipment.

When it comes to price, a full encapsulation is much more expensive. It’s around 4x more expensive to encapsulate your crawl space.

Both methods of sealing your crawl space will protect the area, the method will just depend on your personal needs.

How Will You Seal Your Crawl Space?

When weighing the differences between an encapsulated vs. conditioned crawl space, there are plenty of differences yet there are still many similarities.

Both options will protect your crawl space and the belongings you keep in there. 

To have your crawl space sealed, reach out to us today!